Special Testing/Procedures

Dilated Retinal Examination is a recommended procedure for all new patients and patients with medical problems that could damage the inside of their eyes. This procedure allows the doctor to get a complete view of the inside of the eyes by opening your pupils with muscle relaxing eye drops. Without this procedure an eye problem could be missed. You can compare this procedure to looking through the peep hole on a hotel room door versus opening the door completely. You can see more through the open door than you can through the peep hole. Many retinal problems will go undetected by you because there are no pain receptors in the retina. Consequently, it is recommended you get a dilated exam at regular intervals as a preventative measure or whenever the doctor suspects a problem.

Retinal Photographyis a recommended procedure for all new patients and patients with medical problems that could damage the inside of their eye. Retinal photography is a camera that photographs the inside of the eye. It documents the optic nerve, retinal blood vessels, and other important retinal features. The photos are used to compare eye health from year to year. The procedure can be done with or without dilation(open pupils).

Cycloplegic Refraction is a procedure used to accurately determine a person’s prescription. In some cases, patients are unable to respond favorably to the eye exam due to overactive focusing muscles. Therefore, the doctor will use eye drops to relax the overactive eye muscles and then retest for a prescription. After the procedure, the patient will see blurry and be more light-sensitive for up to 24 hours. Consequently, avoidance of desk work, outdoor activity, and possibly driving may necessary during that time.

Threshold Visual Fields is a computerized procedure for determining peripheral and central vision loss. It tests for damage to the optic nerve and nerve pathways in the brain. It is indicated when the doctor notices a problem with a screening visual field or sees suspicious looking optic nerves. It is also used for patients who have suffered head injury, stoke, headaches, and some chemical imbalances in the body.

Corneal Topography is a procedure used for determining the surface structure of the cornea(the clear top surface of the eye that covers the colored part). It measures any surface irregularities that may interfere with determining an accurate prescription, fitting contact lenses, or performing corrective laser surgery.

Visagraph Test is a computerized procedure to evaluate eye movements used while reading. From this test, multiple eye movement abilities as they relate to reading can be recorded and played back. The Visagraph instrument measures how often the eyes stop, start, move forward, move backward, skip around, and coordinate during reading. It provides essential information about reading speed, reading efficiency, and comprehension. This procedure is recommended for anyone with poor reading ability or comprehension problems.

Vision Perception Testing is an evaluation of a person’s ability to remember and organize visual information. It tests skills in the areas of discrimination of details, spatial orientation, size and shape classification, foreground versus background recognition, filling in missing details, visual memory of single items, visual memory for sequential items, letter/number reversals, left-right awareness, hand-eye coordination, and copy skills. These tests are recommended for any student that is having trouble learning in school or with poor sports performance.

Decoding/Encoding/Dyslexia Testing is an assessment of person’s ability to read, write, and spell correctly. It determines whether a person uses the proper assembly and sequencing techniques necessary to analyze word structure. This testing is recommended for anyone having difficulty learning to read or spell.